The Herbal Remedy For Stomach Pain

herbal medicien
3 min readJun 5, 2021



Stomach pain can be caused by any number of things. It is not uncommon for it to be caused by surgery, digestive problems, old age, or obesity. In these cases, the pain can easily be treated with over-the-counter medication but if it is caused by a diagnosis of Ulcerative Colitis, there will be little that can be done to alleviate it. Ulcerative colitis causes inflammation in the colon and rectum, which cause pain and are also accompanied by other symptoms such as fever, loss of appetite, and fatigue.

There are many remedies that can be used to help alleviate this problem including Herbal Remedy For stomach (pait)upset. One of the most common causes of it is the consumption of products that contain caffeine. Caffeine can be removed from the diet completely and a remedy for this would be to take a cupful of ground coffee and add boiling water to it. The caffeine in the coffee will activate charcoal which will remove the toxin and help to reduce inflammation.

Another common cause of stomach aches is a lack of dietary fiber. Fiber is an important ingredient in keeping the body healthy and functioning properly. This can also cause discomfort in the digestive system and one way to treat this is to eat foods that are rich in fiber. Some examples are oats, barley, and bran cereals. These foods will help to alleviate digestive problems and therefore give relief to the pain caused by them.

The Herb That Provides Relief To Stomach Pain

Stomach Pain

Ginger is another herb that provides relief to people who suffer from this condition. It is not uncommon for people to experience an intense amount of pain when they are suffering from a flare-up. One way to relieve this is to drink ginger tea. The tea can be consumed hot or cold and has been known to provide instant relief of the pain caused by it. It is very effective against heartburn as well as garlic and should be taken as an herbal treatment for indigestion.

Burdock is another herb that provides relief from stomach aches. When the body is exposed to too much acid it produces a burn that is very similar to an electric burn. The burning pain that is experienced will often take the form of a cramp. To alleviate this pain you should chew on the root of the burdock root or make tea out of it.

Hot water and ginger tea are also two very effective remedies. Ginger tea can be drunk like normal tea while boiling water can be taken in a separate container and consumed. When boiling, they act in a way that raises the stomach level, thus reducing the pain that is felt in the digestive tract. Both of these remedies should be taken at least an hour before eating a meal so that the burning effect can be felt.

The Causes Of Stomach Pain

Another excellent herbal remedy for cramps and stomach aches is fennel. Like the other herbs mentioned here, it is very effective in providing relief from abdominal pain (Stomach Pain). However, fennel has special qualities that help the body fight pain. The most important one of these is that it acts as a powerful antioxidant. It reduces inflammation in the body and thus eases inflammation in the digestive tract. Fennel tea can be taken in both tablet and tea forms.

Cloves are also great pain reliever herbs. It is advisable to chew on the clove in the morning before going to bed at night. This helps in making digestion regular as well as complete. The most common way to prepare cloves is to boil six or seven cloves in half liters of hot water for about two minutes. Drink this hot water in the morning and it will relieve your pain.

